Email replies, chat summary

Visitors Can Now Pick Up Their Algomo Conversations Via Email

Visitors have the capability to continue conversations they initiated via the widget over email. They can now reply straight from their email, and they will receive messages sent from the platform via email as well, ensuring they never miss one.

Visitor email reply
Visitor email in app

Chat Widget Summary

Previously it hasn't always been clear which chatbot will handle conversations for a given widget. We've listened to your feedback, and we now show which chatbot is assigned to your widgets on the new summary page. We also show which data source your assigned chatbot has access to, along with their status, to make it easier to understand chatbot behaviour when testing.

Widget summary

Full Email Integration

Coming soon...

We're working on seamless email integration with Algomo - soon you'll be able to send and receive emails using your corporate email address, and all messages will be part of the conversation thread. Your customers will also be able to initiate conversations through email too.

With native email support, threaded emails become a first class citizen in Algomo, and unlock the potential for integration with email ticketing plugins (such as Salesforce and HubSpot).

Automate support tasks with AI Tools

Coming soon...

Following on from last week's update, we're excited to announce our roadmap for AI tools:

  • Send Email notifications
  • Useful for lead generation
  • Call custom APIs
  • Connect to your own systems!
  • Integration with 3rd party platforms
  • For example, check the status of your order in Shopify, or update contact details in HubSpot...

Organisation Working Hours

Coming soon...

You'll soon be able to specify working hours for your organisation, making it clear to your customers when they can expect a reply from a human.

The chatbot behaviour will be customisable too, for example you'll be able to:

  • Escalate conversations outside of working hours
  • Only handle conversations with the chatbot outside of working hours
Office hours

Bug Fixes

  • More web scraping reliability improvements
  • Fixed random name / colour selection for new visitors with no conctact details
  • Fix conversation usage reporting at month boundary
  • Fixed bug where changing languages deletes all suggested questions from widgets
  • Fixed minor checkout bug for subscription trials

Related Notes -

Live chat integrations, Copilot and Streaming, Human Handover

Email replies, chat summary